Change; The only word that I can use to describe the recent events of my life.
Honestly though over the past two or three weeks my life has changed dramatically, and all I could even do is sit and watch it happen, just go with the flow, and get over it!
-It all started with Moving Out-
I moved out of my house about three weeks ago. It has honestly been quite an
adventure! I'm learning so much about myself, my roommates, and strangely, I'm learning a lot about my family. Living on my own has been a challenge and a blessing to me. I'm learning to rely a lot on myself and my testimony of the true gospel. Nobody is there anymore to push me to do anything, everything I do I choose to do by myself. I like to make my own decisions. I'm learning that living with roommates is not as hard as some people say it is. Maybe I'll change my mind down the road but as of right now I do like the girls I live with. Mandy and I have had a blast so far and I can't wait to get to be even better friends with her! I'm learning that my family is amazing! I wouldn't be who I am today without the family that I have! They have taught me all that I have needed to know in my life so that I am able to have these experiences. And yes, I do miss them all, I come back to visit frequently!
-My best friend is now Miss Iron County-On Saturday August 14th my best friend was crowned Miss Iron County. Honestly I believe that nobody deserved it or worked harder for it than
she did! I was so proud of her! She rocked the stage all night and went home winning the Talent portion, the Evening Wear portion, the Interview portion, and of course winning the over all competition. She has been working towards this for almost two years now and I don't think most people understand the effort and time that she has put into making sure she can be the best queen this county has ever seen! And when it comes time again, we'll be going back to Miss Utah to cheer her on again. Only this time We're veterans so we know how it works, buttons with Aimee's face, shirts, posters, banners, signs on paint mixing sticks! No worries she'll be the most supported girl there!
-The university ward boundaries in Cedar were completely changed-
Last Sunday we had Elder Evens of the first quorum of the Seventy come visit the University wards here in Cedar. Him and Elder Leavitt came and completely re-organized our boundaries. There are now 23 Young Single Adult wards in Cedar. I am now in the 22nd ward. I am no longer the FHE coordinator for my ward, which honestly makes me really sad. I'm trying to get used to the idea of a new bishop, and lots of new ward members that I don't know. This change really hit me hard, I have been having a hard time with the idea and even thought for a while that I would just ignore the changes and go back to the ward that I love. Well, since that ward doesn't even exist anymore I have now come to the decision that everything happens for a reason and that I will go to my new ward and make myself love it. I hope you all can wish me luck with this decision! I know that this change would not have happened if it wasn't what the Prophet, and even more what Heavenly Father wanted. So I plan on sticking close to them and following their plan!
-School starts TOMORROW!-
I can't believe the summer is already over! It amazes me how much I have done in that short amount of time. I remember blogging about my list of things that I wanted to do this summer and I'm going to report on them now.
1- Ride through the tunnels in Zion yelling with my windows down.
-I didn't do this but I did help a lost boy in my neighborhood find his mom.
2- Go on a road trip!
-I didn't do this but I did have a blast watching my best friend compete at Miss Utah!
3- Celebrate my 19th birthday! (I'm pretty sure I'm going to make a HUGE deal out of this)
-My 19th birthday wasn't a huge deal. But Mandy did come back to me the day after and that was a pretty good present in itself!
4- Become an aunt!
-Becoming an aunt was indescribable! Seriously, I'm like the proudest aunt ever and Tace is only almost 3 months old! I love him though and I would do anything for him! I know he was brought to our family for a reason!
5- Be the best FHE coordinator of all time!
-Well..... I don't know if I would say I was the best of all time, but I did have so much fun planning and making activities happen. I hope everyone had a good time participating. I learned so much about myself in the process. And I'm super sad that it's over.
6- Go to a baseball game
-Yikes! I had one planned to go to, but the thing was that the trip didn't really work out. So it was kind of a bummer but hopefully sometime before the fall is over we will be able to work something out.
7- Go to a concert!
-Well, does ward choir count? Ha ha! I sang in the ward choir this summer. It was a lot of fun going to the practices and singing with the ward!
8- Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work (I could go on for days!)
-I literally did work for days.... Work was good this summer though, Cedar is a magnet for a bunch of different sorts of people and I love meeting and talking and trying to understand them all!
9- Buy TONS of snow cones from Lauren and Clay (I want to try every flavor)
-I don't think I tried every flavor, but I did LOVE to go get snow cones. I think this is the most fulfilled item on my list! I hope they don't plan on closing shop anytime soon though. I need those things to get me through sometimes!
10- Keep doing the random everyday things that make my life amazing!
-My life is amazing! I can't complain one bit about it. There's nothing that I would change right now. Everyday I learn and grow. I do my best to be my best and honestly that's all I can do right now. I can't think of one thing that would make my life better right now. And I have many people to thank for helping to mold me into the person I am today.
I've had to come to the conclusion over the past little while that change is good. Without change everything would always stay the same. How boring would that be?! I am excited for school to start, I can't wait to be on a regular routine again. But I know that before long I will be getting anxious for Christmas vacation. I can't wait to learn even more and experience more this year! And I'm going to try to post more often because I know that these long ones are hard to keep focused on. But thanks for reading anyway!
I'm sure I'll have lots to say tomorrow and Tuesday about the first day of classes!