Except for unlike Oprah: I don't have a TV show, I'm not black, When someone enters my presence I don't sing their name, I'm not known by everyone, my whole life only gets as far as this blog, and there are many many more aspects of mine and Oprah's life that don't compare!
(sadly I'm not rich enough to give you all a sample of them... so I hope a picture will suffice!)
(sadly I'm not rich enough to give you all a sample of them... so I hope a picture will suffice!)
So just to name a few...
I absolutely LOVE getting the mail!
(well, more checking to see if anything is for me! haha)
I have a crazy obsession with eyelashes! I think they're so entertaining!
If Doritos weren't so horribly bad for me, I would most likely live off them!
I have an undying love for Celine Dion!
Aimee and I have a tradition of attending midnight movies on Friday nights.
Midnight movies complete me!
So you know how in trail mix there's always peanuts and raisins? I like to eat them together cause it's sweet and salty! Best combination ever!
Life saver gummies... They're so flavorful!
So Mandy got me hooked on McDonald's smoothies while she was here!
Hooked meaning I have to consciously tell myself I can't have one
every single day!
I think this is the best discovery I have every made. Becca and I just
randomly purchased this one day... Special K Fruit and Yogurt. There's
not a downside to this stuff. It should be a food group!
Pearls are gorgeous! They are so symbolic to me! I'm always wearing my
pearl ring. If you see me with it off there's only one place it would be... on Lauren's
finger instead of mine haha :) No worries though I always get it back!
Dragon fruit Vitamin water saves me! It's an acquired taste, but I crave it!
WELL OF COURSE! I can't leave her out! I'm going to make this short sweet and to the point because I could go on forever.... If you want to make my life complete and be my number one favorite person on the planet give me tickets to go see Oprah... my dream is dying though seeing as she is filming her last season.. :(

(well, more checking to see if anything is for me! haha)

Midnight movies complete me!

Hooked meaning I have to consciously tell myself I can't have one
every single day!

randomly purchased this one day... Special K Fruit and Yogurt. There's
not a downside to this stuff. It should be a food group!

pearl ring. If you see me with it off there's only one place it would be... on Lauren's
finger instead of mine haha :) No worries though I always get it back!

ha! Love this post AND... love you!