Monday, June 7, 2010

My Latest Fiasco!!!!

OK, I'm sorry, I know I haven't blogged for about a year now. It's sad! I can't even say I've been too busy, because I haven't. I guess I just haven't known what to write about. But I have come to the conclusion that I must inform you all on my latest fiasco!
It all started back in mid April. I was minding my own business, getting ready for school one day, when all the sudden I was straightening my hair and I heard a frying sound. It sounded almost exactly like when you have a hot pan and you put it in cold water. I was so confused for a minute until I realized it was my hair being FRIED!!!! Needless to say I almost had a heart attack! I didn't know what to do! So there was this section in the back of my hair that was completely fried, like gross, it was fuzzy and nasty! Oh and it smelled so bad!!! If you have never smelled burned hair I would not recommend it! The next morning I was doing my hair again, being very very careful, and the same exact thing happened to my bangs on the front of my hair. That was enough! I broke down! I told my mom and she called her hair girl to ask her what I needed to do. I went in to her and she deep conditioned my hair. It felt better after that, but it was still burned. The back section started breaking off more and more everyday. And my bangs looked terrible! So I decided in order to fix my bangs I would cut them straight across my forehead. So that way the fried parts could be in the back and heal a little. WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE! Straight across bangs look good on some people, I am not one of them! So I was just that much more frustrated! So my bright mind decided that maybe my bangs would look better if my hair was shorter. So yep, you got it, I went and chopped all my hair off. I just told the girl that she should keep cutting until all the damage was gone. It was so short! I kind of was having major stress over it. I wore my hair in a headband for about two weeks until my bangs were barely long enough to where I could go in and get them re-cut so they were back on the side of my head. They were so short! Wow!
So now, about two months after this whole adventure started my hair is about the length now that I usually cut it to. So that's good. My bangs are still short, they still have a while until they will be back to normal. My fried sections are pretty much gone. My hair feels and looks so much healthier! I can't wait until everything is back to normal, but this has been a learning experience for sure. And I guess I've learned.... I can survive even when my hair is not! Also I now have a new blow dryer and straightener, because my hair lady said that it was one of these things that was causing my problem. So I ditched my old stuff because I do not what a repeat of this problem in the future!

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