Who is this comptroller fool? And why does he have a "p" in his name? Today kicked off the beginning of finals week! Talk about stress major! So to start the dreaded week Aimee and I had an economics final this morning. While we were so abruptly cramming every piece of economics information into our brains we came across the word comptroller. Whoever decided to call someone the "comptroller" was wrong.
Finals also means grub is in order. Since the only thing we had to work with was the institute vending machines this is what we came up with. 650
unneeded calories and 180 grams of fat, which really only equals out to be 20%. But unfortunately, like I stated earlier, it was unnecessary.
But on a much lighter note, our studying payed off and we both feel very very good about how we preformed during the duration of the test. I honestly feel as if I knew about 90% of the questions for sure, and the other 10% well, let's hope I'm a good guesser! :)
Bring on the rest of the week! I'm ready!
Kayla! I'm so glad that I found your blog and.. i'm so excited that we are best friends(remember between you and me) But I am adding you to my blog list so I expect you to update weekly.. no DAILY! Much love!