SUNSHINE! Straight from the sun itself! Today was, might I say, gorgeous! Sun was shining the grass was green it was like a real spring day was upon us. Living in Cedar, that doesn't happen often at all! "The sun doesn't work in Cedar." So that my dear friends is why I'm so profoundly grateful for this day!
*My Waitress Moment Of The Day*
So this elderly guy came in to eat by himself tonight. I seated him, got him a drink, and took his order. Just like I would anyone. He got his food quickly, and wanted to pay for it right when I took it out. I thought okay, no biggie he's probably just in a hurry and wants to get out of here A.S.A.P. so I let him pay and then just went on minding my own business. When he got up to leave I was standing at the front counter probably with some blank, staring off into space look on my face. He came right up to me and said, "You know what?! When You get home tonight tell your boyfriend that he has very good taste in women." Now I know what some of you are thinking... creepy old guy hitting on me right? But, I am going to take a compliment when a compliment is given. He made me smile!
*My Waitress Moment Of The Day*
So this elderly guy came in to eat by himself tonight. I seated him, got him a drink, and took his order. Just like I would anyone. He got his food quickly, and wanted to pay for it right when I took it out. I thought okay, no biggie he's probably just in a hurry and wants to get out of here A.S.A.P. so I let him pay and then just went on minding my own business. When he got up to leave I was standing at the front counter probably with some blank, staring off into space look on my face. He came right up to me and said, "You know what?! When You get home tonight tell your boyfriend that he has very good taste in women." Now I know what some of you are thinking... creepy old guy hitting on me right? But, I am going to take a compliment when a compliment is given. He made me smile!
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