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"they say that california is nice and warm this time of year"
Mandy lives in Elk Grove, California. Trever, Janelle, Jon, and I live in Cedar. Nobody's quite sure where David lives... haha :). So for spring break we very randomly decided to go visit Mandy. We left Cedar Saturday night and drove all night long until we arrived in Elk Grove on Sunday morning/afternoon. We were all exhausted. I even got to attempt to sleep in the car the whole way and I was tired. So I can't imagine how Trever and Jon (the drivers) felt. So as you probably assumed, Sunday consisted of sleeping, and going to hang out at an elementary school. Swinging on swings, roller blades, the usual.
Monday morning we were all happily rested, bright, cheery, and ready for an adventure! San Fransisco we were on our way! We decided to make a pit stop on the way and take a tour of the Jelly Belly factory! No worries, we got to taste Jelly Bellies in every stage of their lives! The factory was fun and educational. I felt like I was in Elementary school again on a field trip! Oh how I miss those care free days! Okay guys but honestly I LOVED SAN FRANSISCO! Pretty sure it's now one of my all time favorite places ever! We got to walk around the streets for a while and look at the houses, and some interesting shops. I loved everything about
that place! Janelle and I even sang the "Full House" theme song while we were walking around looking at all the adorable houses. We went to this place right on the bay that was called Fisherman's Warf. There were so many cute stores and plenty of candy shops! I wanted to go in all of them! As some of you may know, I have an everlasting love for pearls. I have always wanted to "pick my own pearl" like pick the oyster and just hope a good one is inside. Fisherman's Warf was full of these places! It was a dream come true! Two little oriental ladies were working at the one Trever and I stopped at. They were trying to give me advice on which kind of oyster I was supposed to choose to get the best results. The only problem was that we couldn't understand what they were trying to s
ay. I finally picked one and the lady that was helping us showed us a little ritual that we were supposed to do before she cracked it open. So we did her ritual and she popped that sucker open and there was my pearl! Ah! I loved it! It was so perfect! China Town.. yup, we went there! It was very... interesting. Probably the highlight of walking up and down that street with the Chinese people surrounding us was when I was purchasing some stuff and I really wanted to try to bargain with the guy to see if he would sell it to me for cheaper than he had listed. So I put on my best Chin
ese accent and kindly asked him if he would sell the items to me for $3 all together! He kind of got this confused look on his face and said, "no". Dang! ok, I tried again because I thought maybe "no" meant that he didn't understand me the fist time. Again he said "no." So I gave him my money and left feeling very unsuccessful. I also thought it was so cool that Chinese people had graffiti... in Chinese! Mandy's amazing father bought us all dinner at The Cheesecake Factory that night. It was delicious and we were very grateful! On our drive home we got to drive by the Oakland temple. It was stunning!
Tuesday was dedicated to Sacramento. Mandy's dad owns a hotel. We got to tour it. It's exquisite! We went to "Old Sacramento" this place is so cool! This is what happens, you walk through a tunnel from "New Sacramento" and all the sudden you're in "Old Sacramento"! There were a lot of little shops that we went into, and again, candy shops! :) There were horse and buggies taking people around the streets! There was also this Subway (moder
n day) that had a true sandwich artist working there! She made sandwiches beautifully. Jon and Trever were very impressed with her sandwich making skills! I think if they owned subways of their own they would have offered her a very high paying job on the spot. On our way home from Sacramento we got to stop and visit Mandy's grandma. She was adorable! Honestly that woman had so much energy! And she collects frogs! You wouldn't believe how many frogs this lady has in her house! She was such a sweetheart! Tuesday night Mandy, David, Janelle, and I were able to go to the Sacramento temple to do baptisms for the dead! We had such a good time! The temple was so pretty! I'm so glad we got the opportunity to go!
Wednesday we made T-Shirts! Mine was orange! And I'm not creative! :/. But, it didn't turn out too shabby. I actually quite liked it! We had to go buy all the supplies and believe me, it was not easy to choose the colors that we a
ll wanted. But we managed to choose some and took them back to the house to decorate them. All of us girls left the decorating tables with really cute shirts! The boys had very... abstract shirts :). We had a good time decorating them though and I got to let me creativity, or lack of it get a breather from the rock I had been hiding it under. We took an outing on Wednesday, around Mandy's neighborhood. I got to ride the bike! I bet we looked so good on our different means of transportation riding around the neighborhood. So there's this place close to Mandy's ho
use that has trampolines everywhere! Yup, you guessed it, we went there! Probably the best part of that place was that we got to jump off a trampoline into a foam pit! Oh my goodness fun! Problem 1: Trever hurt his knee :(. Problem 2: Okay there wasn't a problem 2. I liked it there though. We had fun playing dodge ball, jumping into the foam pit, and trying to literally run up the walls!
Unfortunately Wednesday night, around midnight, we started heading back to Cedar. It was another long drive that we had to endure. Lots of music, snoring, and driving. Okay, so if anyone was snoring it was me, I think I actually got a fair number of hours of sleep on the drive home. The trip was so much fun! We had a blast! I would go back in a heartbeat.
Oh wait, I am planning on going back! :)
I just want to also add some stuff that didn't really fit into any specific day but these things totally completed the trip!
1- Trever getting so annoyed at songs that we would hear over and over again on the radio
2- Mandy the cow (like really though, it's a cow)
3- Breakfast burritos and tacos prepared by the wonderful Mandy and David
4- Mandy's mom's dinners, MMMMMM
5- In n' Out! You just can't beat it!
6- Jon eating subway at 3 o'clock in the morning
7- Veggie straws.. no matter what I still like the tomato ones the best!
8- Dog food flavored jelly bellies
9- Me getting make up on Trever's shirt cause I could not stay awake during sacrament... sorry :/
10- The theater room!
-And one of my all time favorite moments-
**Getting locked out of "the shop" and Trever taking the door completely off so nobody would have to climb in through the ten thousand foot high window!!**
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