Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Ok, I confess I'm really bad at the whole thirty days thing. I'm just not very good at blogging about things that I'm supposed to. I would just rather write what I want when I want. So this is the official post saying that I'm done with my 30 days. Yup, I decided that this is my blog and I can do whatever I want. So with that attitude I'm saying I'm finishto, no not giving up because I could do it if I really put my heart to it.
I went to Colorado this past weekend with Mandy. We had a really good time visiting some friends. On our way home Sunday night we got caught in a snow storm and had to spend the night in Richfield. But we were able to make it home Monday in time for school.
I feel like I haven't updated for a while. So I guess I should just go through some stuff.
*School is still nasty, but almost over.
*Work is still there.
*It's getting colder everyday.
*I'm dating this guy named Chase. He's a sweetheart. I could probably go on forever on this subject but if you want to know more you can just call me and we'll chat.
*Christmas is on my mind a lot.
*I'm still alive.
Thanks for keeping up with me even though I have been slacking a lot lately. Hopefully I'll get better. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That Dang Habit....

I'm not sure if this is considered a habit or just a personality trait. But I hate that I'm not a perfectionist. But I'm just not. I am just fine when things aren't picture perfect. It's probably not a good thing. But then again some people are too much of perfectionists. I'm just not enough. There's got to be a happy medium in there somewhere. Maybe I'll start working on caring more about how my projects turn out. So there you have it. My habit/bad personality trait is that I don't like things perfect... but they have more character that way... right?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Peeps... haha

While I was thinking of my friends I naturally had to add the PF girls! They're all so fun! We have such a BLAST at work! I swear there's not a bad crew to work with. I don't know what I would do without a job where I absolutely love all the people there. I would probably die without them. So yes, they get to be in my friends post.

These guys are the best! I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. Mandy is my roomie and well, she's the best. We just have such a good time, always laughing! And we would probably die without the boys around.

And well last but not least Aimee. She's my best friend. I think that's pretty obvious though. Seriously I don't know what I would do without her. All of our long drives and talks. We have covered every subject in the book once, twice, three times and probably more. She just gets me.
Friends are amazing creatures.

"Don't Let The Sun Ruin Your Rain"

Here's the thing... I like to be in a good mood all the time. Hence the name of my blog. If you don't let anything get to you then nothing will. Yes, it is that simple. No, it doesn't always work out that way. Yes, most the time it does. This is a short post because it just gets straight to the point. So I'm going to post another one too. :) yay!
